All Services in One Company
Based on data obtained through laser scanning, we create maps for design purposes. With the point cloud data and georeferencing, no terrain detail will escape our attention, allowing for maximum detail in geodetic surveys. Additionally, we detect and verify underground infrastructure elements using ground-penetrating radar. But geodesy is not just about maps!
We perform engineering measurements of cranes, assess the verticality of slender structures based on scans, inventory linear networks to check the condition of poles and avoid collisions with new infrastructure, analyze deformations of objects, and calculate earthwork volumes.
Laser scanning is a valuable tool for the preservation of cultural heritage and the restoration of monuments. It allows us to capture the object, preserve its current appearance, inventory historic buildings, and create comprehensive traditional documentation. We create precise 2D drawings, such as plans, sections, and elevation drawings (highlighting, for example, facade damage), as well as high-resolution metric images – orthophotos. We measure areas, create 3D models of entire buildings (for presentation purposes), and produce photorealistic mesh models of individual elements such as paintings, sculptures, or architectural details.
Open-pit and underground mining have become vast areas of laser scanner application. Based on spatial data, we calculate the volumes of excavated coal and other bulk materials. Lack of lighting in underground mines is not a barrier for scanners, allowing us to perform inventory measurements of mining equipment and other underground structures. The point cloud representing the scanned area often aids designers in precisely and clash-freely integrating new mining machinery into existing facilities and planning all necessary machine connections.
We leverage our experience in precise engineering and conservation measurements to create VR presentation materials (virtual reality). Based on the scanned object, generated model, and high-resolution texture overlay, we achieve fully photorealistic 3D images. We create virtual tours accessible through web browsers or mobile devices.
We provide comprehensive inventory services for public utility buildings for thermal modernization purposes. Through scanning, we can precisely determine the actual dimensions of window and door openings and verify building areas. Such documentation serves as invaluable input for architects and designers.
We conduct inventories of urban greenery and other living natural objects. Based on the point cloud data from terrestrial laser scanning, we compile species inventories of trees, assessing their health condition and performing dendrometric measurements. Working with the point cloud allows for precise determination of trunk circumference at any height and measuring tree crowns.
Our extensive experience with various projects, point clouds, and data processing allows us to offer training sessions where we can share our knowledge in a practical and informative manner. We support companies starting their journey with scanning, providing guidance in equipment procurement, training in laser scanner operation, and implementing software for point cloud processing in CAD/BIM environments and creating BIM models and mesh models. The timing and format of the training can be customized to meet the client’s needs.